The new Quincy Jones mural by artist Cobre is located at 2226 N. Milwaukee right next to the famous ‘Greetings from Chicago’ mural. This mural is so impressive!! The details are impeccable. We were recently told that when the artist was up there sketching and had only painted the eyeballs the CTA train stopped in the middle of the tracks and the driver yelled, “Quincy Jones!” That’s an indication of how beautifully accurate this mural is. Quincy Jones, the south side Chicago native who’s career spans over 60 years is one of the 21 people in history who has won an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and a Tony award. Cobre, who’s real name is Andres Iglesias and who paints murals all over the world said he chose to honor Quincy after watching the 2018 award winning Netflix documentary ‘QUINCY’ about the musicians life. It was directed by his daughter Rashida Jones and it’s fantastic! Cobre said he also wanted to highlight Jones because there are no other murals solely dedicated to him, and especially none in Chicago, his hometown. Well done Cobre, we were very impressed by your work!